Craft Training Center of the Coastal Bend

7433 Leopard Street; Corpus Christi, TX; 78409

Fast Track Courses

Course Information

Please select the course for which you are registering.

Initial Enrollment and Random Drug Testing Consent

I understand and agree that as long as I am a student at Craft Training Center of the Coastal Bend (CTCCB) I will be required to take and pass scheduled random drug screens at the sole discretion of CTCCB. I understand that if I refuse or fail a drug screen at any time I will be asked to leave the premises immediately and I will not be eligible to apply for enrollment at CTCCB for a period of 1 year from the date of notification of the failed or refused drug screen. I HEREBY CONSENT TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF DRUG DETECTING URINE TESTS UNDER THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CTCCB POLICY ON CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE AND ALCOHOL ABUSE.

Please type your name as an electronic signature to consent to Initial Enrollment and Random Drug Testing.

Dispute Resolution Agreement

Craft Training Center of the Coastal Bend, hereafter referred to as "CTCCB" and the person whose signature is affixed hereto, hereafter referred to as "STUDENT" (which includes the parent/guardian if the student is under the age of 18), mutually agree that there are many advantages to using alternative dispute resolution to settle any and all legal disputes, disagreements and claims, including, but not limited to, those arising from Student’s training or skills assessment process.
The parties mutually agree that this document shall govern the resolution of all claims and/or disputes between STUDENT and CTCCB. CTCCB and STUDENT, by the authorized signatures below, mutually contract and agree that, each, every, any and all claims, disputes and/or controversies, now existing, or hereafter arising, including the arbitrability of any claim, dispute or controversy shall be exclusively resolved by the parties first trying to settle by mediation, and failing which, by final and binding arbitration.
Unless specifically and mutually agreed otherwise, the mediation and/or arbitration shall be administered by the rules of the American Arbitration Association, and shall be pursuant to the provisions of, and jurisprudence interpreting, the Federal Arbitration Act and/or the Texas Alternative Dispute Resolutions Act, whichever shall have the broadest effect.
The Arbitrator(s) shall be the sole and exclusive determiner of jurisdiction. Judgment upon any award may be entered in any federal or state court having jurisdiction thereof.
The parties shall agree upon one mediator and/or arbitrator. The mediation and/or arbitration shall take place in Nueces County, Texas. Each party shall pay for its share of the cost of mediation and/or arbitration.
In no event shall fees and/or expenses be placed on STUDENT if the arbitrator finds that STUDENT would experience extreme hardship or a limitation of legal rights under this Agreement.
This dispute resolution agreement shall be used for all claims, controversies or disputes whether arising under or based on the Constitution, Statutes, Code(s), Ordinances, Regulations, Orders, and/or Common Law of the United States, or of any State, and all subdivisions of either; and/or are based on claims or theories of contract, quasi-contract, personal injury, tort, offenses, quasi-offenses or otherwise including, but not limited to, all claims, disputes, or controversies relating to Student’s training or skills assessment process.
While both CTCCB and STUDENT retain all subsequent legal rights and remedies under this Agreement, CTCCB and STUDENT are both waiving all rights which either may have with regard to trial, whether jury or nonjury, in State or Federal Court, for any covered claim.
The term CTCCB, as used in this agreement, means CRAFT TRAINING CENTER OF THE COASTAL BEND, its parents, subsidiaries, and all related entities, including all officers, directors, employees, agents, subcontractors, vendors, insurers, benefit plans, benefit plan sponsors, fiduciaries, administrators, or affiliates of any of the above, and their respective successors and assigns.
The term "STUDENT" as used in this agreement, means the individual whose signature is affixed hereto, and his or her heirs, spouse, representatives, successors, and assigns.
CTCCB and STUDENT acknowledge that they have had sufficient time to review and consider signing this agreement and that it is clearly understood that this is a MUTUALLY BINDING CONTRACT and that any questions or concerns about it should be referred to an attorney prior to signing it.
The parties to this agreement recognize and agree that CTCCB is engaged in business affecting and using the instruments of interstate commerce.
Each clause, provision, sentence and paragraph of this agreement is severable and should any be determined to be invalid or unenforceable, then those that are valid, or are capable of being enforced shall be, and shall remain in full force and effect.
The parties expressly agree that the terms of this dispute resolution agreement shall survive any and all terminations of the student relationship, and shall be binding on the heirs, spouse(s), representatives, successors and assigns of the parties hereto.
This agreement incorporates the entire agreement of the parties and amends, replaces, and supersedes any other agreements, written or oral, if any exist, and may not be changed or varied except in writing and signed by all parties.

Please type your name as an electronic signature that you have read and understand the Dispute Resolution agreement.


Please Type or print legibly. Inaccuracies on this form may be reflected on credentials. This form must be completed to be entered in to the NCCER’s Registry system. Records containing personal trainee information, including but not limited to score reports, training prescriptions, and transcripts, cannot be distributed until this form has been completed.



*You must provide ONE of the following numbers to be entered into the NCCER Registry System. A unique NCCER Card Number will be generated once your Registration and Release Form has been entered into the system. Pipeline users MUST provide their SSN.


If you provide the State DOE Student number, then please first contact your sponsor representative to ensure your state I.D. Type has been added to the Registry System. NCCER must approve all new Alternate I.D. Types. Please contact NCCER Customer Support if you have any questions.


I hereby authorize NCCER to verify information in my training and/or assessment records which may include any of the personal information provided on this form. I release and hold harmless NCCER for the disclosure of any such information in connection with this verification process. I confirm my understanding that any and all NCCER credentials and/or certifications I receive may be revoked by NCCET at any time, with or without notice, if it is determined that the organization through which them has violated the NCCER Accreditation Guidelines & Program Compliance standards or any other applicable policies and procedures promulgated by NCCER. I also understand and agree that NCCER shall have no legal, financial or other liability to me for the revocation of any certification or credential, and that financial liability for any funds paid to n organization for training, testing, assessment or other services associated with the issuance of such certifications or credentials shall rest solely with said organization.

Please type your name as an electronic signature to consent to the Release Agreement.

CTCCB Photography/Video Release and Social Media Consent Agreement

I hereby grant the Craft Training Center of the Coastal Bend (“CTCCB”), its representatives and employees, permission to use and/or publish photographs, digital images, and/or videos of myself in print and/or electronically. I understand and agree that these materials will become the property of CTCCB and will not be returned. I hereby authorize CTCCB to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, and/or distribute the photograph, digital image, and/or video for purposes of publicizing CTCCB’s programs and/or for any other lawful purpose, such as for illustration, advertising, social media content, and/or internet content. Additionally, I grant CTCCB, and its agents and employees, the irrevocable and unrestricted right to reproduce the photographs, digital images, and/or videos taken of me and/or by me, or by members of my family, for the use of publication, promotion, illustration, advertising, and/or trade, in any manner and in any medium. Furthermore, I irrevocably grant permission to use my statements that were given during discussion, interview, and/or other communication with CTCCB, with or without my name, for the purpose of advertising and publicity without restriction. I hereby irrevocably release CTCCB and its legal representatives from all claims and liability relating to said photographs, digital images, videos, and/or statements. I irrevocably waive my rights to any compensation arising and/or related to the use of such photographs, digital images, videos, and/or statements. In the case of minors, CTCCB has my permission to use photographs, digital images, videos and/or statements of my child with all the permissions outlined above. I understand that the images and statements may be used in print publications, online publications, presentations, internet websites, and/or social media platforms. I also understand that no royalty, fee, and/or other compensation shall become payable to me and/or my child by reason of such use.

Please type in your name as an electronic signature for the CTCCB Photography/Video Release and Social Media Consent Agreement

Craft Training Center of the Coastal Bend Medical Release Form

Please type your name as an electronic signature to consent to The Craft Training Center of the Coastal Bend Medical Release Form

Craft Training Center of the Coastal Bend Student Handbook

The Craft Training Center of the Coastal Bend (CTCCB) will not be responsible for damage to personal property, or personal injury, that may result from a student’s failure to use proper PPE, failure to follow proper safety procedures or any other violation of or failure to adhere to the policies and procedures listed in the student handbook.

I have received the CTCCB Student Handbook, including Returning Student Enrollment and Payment Deadlines and Refund Policies. In the event I have questions or concerns. I will be provided the opportunity to ask for clarification on policies, procedures, responsibilities, enrollment/payment deadlines and refund policies as set forth in the CTCCB Student Handbook. I fully understand and agree to abide by CTCCB policies, procedures, and responsibilities as an attending student of the Craft Training Center of the Coastal Bend.

The CTCCB Board of Directors and or/ CTCCB Administration reserves the right to amend, alter, delete or modify any part of this publication at any time, in any manner, without prior notice, as is allowed by law and deemed necessary by the Craft Training Center of the Coastal Bend.

CTCCB - Student Handbook

Del Mar College Continuing Education Form

Students are dually enrolled and receive Del Mar College Continuation Education credit when enrolled in CTCCB programs .

Your Name, Mailing Address, Phone Number, and E-Mail address will automatically be inserted from the information you gave us above.

(Information may be obtained at

(Answer “No” if English is not your primary language or you consider yourself somewhat limited in the use of English.)

(You have worked without pay to care for the home and family, and for that reason have few marketable skills and are experiencing difficulty in obtaining employment)

Release and Indemnity Agreement

In consideration for CTCCB providing training to the Student, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Student acting for himself /herself, hereby irrevocably releases, acquits, and forever discharges CTCCB, its officers, directors, employees, and all persons in privity with them or any of them, from any and all claims or causes of action of any kind whatsoever, at common law, statutory, or otherwise, which the Student has or might have, known or unknown, now existing or that might arise hereafter, directly or indirectly arising from or attributable to any occurrence during or related to the Student's participation in the training provided by CTCCB and/or the use or occupancy of CTCCB’s facilities and/or property and/or anything arising from Student’s presence at CTCCB’s facilities and/or property, and/or travel to or from the CTCCB’s facilities and/or property, including but not limited to any occurrence arising from the Student’s failure to properly use Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”), failure to follow proper safety procedures, and/or any other violation of or failure to adhere to the policies and procedures listed in the Student Handbook, it being intended to release CTCCB in advance of all claims of any kind which the Student has, or might have against those hereby released. For the same consideration, the Student shall INDEMNIFY, DEFEND, AND HOLD HARMLESS CTCCB, its officers, directors, employees, and all persons in privity with them or any of them from any and all claims, damages, expenses, fees, fines, penalties, proceedings, actions, demands, or suits made upon CTCCB directly or indirectly arising from or attributable to any occurrence during or related to the Student’s participation in the training provided by CTCCB and/or use or occupancy of the CTCCB’s facilities and/or property and/or anything arising from Students' presence at the CTCCB’s facilities and/or property, and/or travel to or from the CTCCB’s facilities and/or property, and/or any acts or omissions of either CTCCB, its officers, directors, and employees and all persons in privity with them or any of them, including but not limited to any occurrence arising from the Student’s failure to properly use PPE, failure to follow proper safety procedures, and/or any other violation of or failure to adhere to the policies and procedures listed in the Student Handbook. THIS RELEASE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT SHALL APPLY EVEN WHERE ANY SUCH CLAIMS, LOSSES, DAMAGES, CAUSES OF ACTION, SUITS, OR LIABILITIES ARISE IN ANY PART FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF CTCCB. IT IS THE EXPRESS INTENTION OF THE STUDENT AND CTCCB THAT THE RELEASE AND INDEMNITY PROVIDED FOR IN THESE PARAGRAPHS IS A RELEASE AND INDEMNITY BY THE STUDENT TO RELEASE INDEMNIFY AND PROTECT CTCCB FROM THE CONSEQUENCES OF CTCCB'S OWN NEGLIGENCE, EVEN WHERE THE SOLE CAUSE OF THE INJURY, DEATH, OR DAMAGES WAS CTCCB'S SOLE ACT OF NEGLIGENCE. I understand and agree that if the foregoing release and indemnity provisions are intended for a Student under the age of 18, the references “I” and “me” will have the following meaning: “The parent/guardian agrees to the terms or conditions on the minor’s behalf ”.

Please type in your name as an electronic signature to consent to the Release and Indemnity Agreement